Invoicing a project is quick and easy.
Invoicing projects
1) Click Timer, then Time Tracking
2) Hover the mouse pointer to one of the items, which is part of the project, to be invoiced
3) Click on the dropdown arrow, then Invoice project
An invoice will be created with all remaining unbilled, billable time added to the draft invoice
4) Click the time entry option
5) Choose which option how to display the time entries
As individual line items—Each time entry will have its own line item on the invoice with the date it was tracked.
Consolidate similar entries—Time entries with the same description and rate will be consolidated together.
Consolidate everything—Every project and time entry will be consolidated into a single line item.
Consolidate by project—Each project will consolidate into its own line item. For example, three projects will result in three line items.
Consolidate by rate—Useful to show only the total hours worked and the rate. Entries with the same rate within a project will be consolidated.
6) Edit other information as required, then tap Ready to send
7) Edit the email address, subject and message as required, then click Send invoice
Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!