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How to mark a project as complete

Marking a project as complete

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over a week ago

Mark a project as complete or delete it as required.

Marking a project complete helps to organise projects and see what projects are completed vs still active. 

It will also prevent invoicing time entries that do not need to be invoiced. 

To mark a project as complete

1) Click Timer > Manage projects

2) Hover the mouse pointer to the relevant project to be marked as complete

3) Click the dropdown arrow, then Completed

Marking a project as complete will change the project status from Active to Complete. It will also change the status of any unbilled time entries to non-billable, i.e. the time entries will not be made available to be added to an invoice.

To delete a project

In the Projects section

1) Hover the mouse pointer to the relevant project to be deleted

2) Click the dropdown arrow, then Delete

NOTE: Deleting a project will delete all time tracked under that project. But if the project has been invoiced before deleting it, the time entries will still be available on the invoice as items, but the section where a time entry can be included or not will no longer be available.

Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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