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Sending an invoice to a client [Mobile]
Sending an invoice to a client [Mobile]

Creating and sending invoices to your clients on the mobile app

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over 8 months ago

Create and send an invoice

1) Open the mobile app and log in

2) Under the graph, in the CREATE NEW section, tap the invoice button

3) Tap the client name to be invoiced.
​​For more information about manually creating a new client, tap HERE.

4) Add items manually

or choose from the item template list by tapping Select


  • For more information about Item Templates, tap HERE

  • Tap on the item to edit its details

  • Add an expense assigned to the client. For more information about on-charging costs to clients, tap HERE

5) Fill in the other invoice details when applicable

General description

Note: The General description field will not appear on the client invoice if there’s nothing entered into it



  • Tap HERE to learn how to add a percentage discount

  • The discount field will not appear on the client invoice if there’s nothing added to it


Note: Tap HERE to learn how to request for a deposit

6) Set or edit the issued date, due date (payment terms), and invoice number when necessary

Note: Changing payment terms on an invoice only changes it for that invoice. For more information about changing payment terms, tap HERE.

7) Tap the down arrow at the end of the client name

to edit client information or choose to add or include GST

Note: GST will be added if it's enabled. However, it can still be switched off for individual line items that don't contain GST. Tap HERE to learn more about GST.

8) Attach any files or documents relevant to the invoice

9) When the invoice is ready to be sent to the client, tap Ready to Send

10) Tap the email field to populate the client email name or edit it if required

11) Edit the subject and message if required and tap Send Now.

Note: The invoice is sent to the client via email. If the BCC me option is ticked, you will get an email copy of this invoice if you’re using Rounded to send your invoices. If you’re using your own Gmail account to send invoices, the BCC me option will not be available, but a copy of the email will be in the Sent folder in your Gmail account.

An option to create an invoice in the main Invoice section is also available.

To send a saved invoice

1) Go to the Invoice tab

2) Tap the draft invoice to be sent.

Note: Using the Search box at the top of the Invoice section, enter the invoice number or general description to look for the invoice to be sent easily.

3) Follow steps 5 - 9 for sending the invoice

To view invoices from a specific timeframe, tap the calendar icon

and choose the time frame to be viewed

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