Manually add time to a project. For example, if you are at a client site for a meeting and need to track this time against the project to be billed to the client.
NOTE: Also track time on-site using the Timer on Rounded's mobile app. To learn more, click HERE.
We recommend setting up a project (for a client) to track time against before using the Time Tracking feature.
See Where do I create a new project for more details.
To add time manually
1) From the menu on the left, click Timer > Time Tracking
2) On the Time Tracking page, click Manual entry. The Add time entry panel slides out from the right
3) Complete the fields below
a. Description: Add a description of the task. For example, logo design.
b. Date: Select the date to which the time entry will be added. This can be for the
current date or any date in the past.
c. Project: Select a project to log time against.
NOTE: The project can be edited later if it is left blank.
d. Hourly rate: This field is automatically populated when selecting a project. The
manual time can be billable or non-billable.
e. Hours/Minutes: Type in the hours/minute spent on this task.
4) Click Save time entry to log time against the project. This time entry will be recorded and displayed on the Time Tracking tab
Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!