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Adding Surcharge to Stripe Payments

How to add a surcharge to Stripe Payments

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over a week ago

A surcharge can be added to an invoice at the time of payment to help cover Stripe fees.

Be sure to read the Card Surcharge Rules from the ACCC and, in particular, this paragraph:

"A business is not required to impose a payment surcharge, but if it chooses to, then it is only allowed to pass on to the customer the costs that the business was charged for accepting payment of that payment type.

The ban applies to all businesses, regardless of their size."


  • You are still paying Stripe's fees. A surcharge to cover those fees is added to your invoice, which your client pays.

  • Invoices paid via Stripe that include a surcharge cannot be reverted to a draft. This includes deposits. For projects with multiple payments, we highly recommend creating multiple invoices.

You will see this pop-up window the first time you use this feature. Click, I understand.

How to add a surcharge

The surcharge can be configured at an invoice template level and on each invoice.

1. Navigate to the invoice template

Choose the template you wish to activate the surcharge feature for

2. Under YOUR PAYMENT DETAILS, click the surcharge link

3. By default, it is set to 1.75%, but it can be changed to any figure between 0.25% and 3%, then click Done

What do clients see on their invoice online?

Clients will receive a notification email that contains a link to view the invoice online. Clicking the link will open the invoice on a computer browser.

Clients will see the surcharge that will be added to the total invoice amount

Clicking the Pay with card button will display a pop-up window for clients to enter their credit card details. The total amount will include the surcharge fee

When an invoice is paid via Stripe:

  • An income record of the total paid (including the surcharge) will be added to your Rounded account

  • The invoice will be tagged as paid

  • An expense record will be added to your Rounded account for the Stripe fee

  • The expense record will balance out the additional income generated by the surcharge, and the taxable income estimate on the dashboard will also be adjusted accordingly

Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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