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Reports Overview

A look at the automated reports available in Rounded

Oliver Garside avatar
Written by Oliver Garside
Updated over a week ago

Rounded comes with a selection of built-in reports that can be used immediately. These reports derive data from the income and expenses sections and are automatically updated as income or expense records are added or changed.

Using Rounded, the following reports can be viewed, managed, and exported:

  • Activity Statements*

  • Timesheet report

  • Expense report

  • Income report

  • Profit & Loss

*Activity Statements can also be viewed and managed (for GST-registered users only).

Activity Statements

This report displays the business activity statement (BAS) only if the account has been set up to manage GST payments. It displays all BAS data for when GST has been added to income and expense records.

Click on each BAS item to view more information and to mark the BAS record complete.

NOTE: This does not lodge the BAS records with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).

BAS can be lodged via the ATO business portal. Talk to your accountant or the ATO for more information about lodging a BAS.

Timesheet report

The Timesheet report displays items captured in the Time Tracking section of Rounded. Items can be grouped by client OR by project.

Hourly rates can be shown or hidden as required. It's also possible to create a report for unbilled and billed items.

Timesheet reports can be exported as PDF or CSV files and attached to an invoice email or sent separately.

Expense report

This report displays a breakdown of the business expenses entered into Rounded. 

By default, this report displays the expenses incurred for the current financial year. The date range can be changed in the dropdown to view expenses over different predefined time periods or customise it for specific dates.

View expenses incurred by category or by a client.

Use the Export options to export this data to PDF or CSV.

Income Report

The income report displays a breakdown of the income received from various clients as a graph. 

By default, this report displays the income for the current financial year. The date range can be changed in the dropdown to view income over different predefined time periods or customise it for specific dates.

View income by category or by a client.

Use the Export options to export this data to PDF or CSV.

Profit & Loss

The profit and loss statement displays a snapshot of overall income and expenses for a specific period. 

By default, this report displays the current financial year. The date range can be changed in the dropdown to view income over different predefined time periods or customise it for specific dates. 

Use the Export options to export this data to PDF.

Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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