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Adding item templates

How to add item templates

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over 4 months ago

You can create item templates to choose from for quotes and invoices.

Item templates are predefined line items that can be easily added to a quote or an invoice in a few clicks.

They are a great time saver if you regularly bill clients for the same products or services.

There are two ways to add an item template

  • In the Item template section

  • As part of the process of sending a quote or an invoice

To add item templates in the item template section

1) Go to Invoices > Item templates

2) Click New template

3) Fill in the item details

  • Description

  • Unit price

  • Unit type

NOTE: Add GST for each item template as required. Click HERE for more information about managing GST in Rounded.

4) Click Save template

To add item templates as part of the process of sending a quote or an invoice

1) Create an invoice

or a quote

or open an existing draft invoice or quote in the main Invoice/Quote section.

2) In the item section, click the Star button, then New item template

Then, follow steps 3 and 4, as described above.


  • Line item templates are only available for clients billed in Australian $.

  • Edit a line item by tapping on the item to be updated.

To delete a line item

1) On the Item template section, hover the mouse pointer to the item to be deleted

2) Click on the dropdown arrow, then click Delete

For information on how to add line items on the Rounded mobile app, click HERE.
Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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