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Client Statements

How to generate and send a client statement

Oliver Garside avatar
Written by Oliver Garside
Updated over a week ago

Rounded produces 2 types of statements for clients

  1. Outstanding invoices

  2. All Invoices and payments

There are two ways to create and send client statements:

  • Available in the sub-menu under Invoicing

  • Via the Client page

Via the submenu under Invoicing

1. Hover over Invoicing then click Client statements

2. Choose the client you want to send the client statement to

Via the Client page

1. Click Clients on the menu on the left

2. Hover over the relevant client then click the dropdown arrow to see the Statements option

3. ​​Click Statements to access the feature for that client

The default view is a statement of any outstanding invoices.

​Use the drop-down box to access the Invoice and payment history

The date range can be changed to create a statement for any time period required.

​​The payment history will show an opening balance for the selected time frame along with all invoices issued and all payments made.

The balance displayed is the total of anything outstanding for the period shown.

The brand on the client statement will be generated from the default invoice template. To display a different brand, make the invoice template of the brand the default template for the time being when generating the client statement for it. The default invoice template can be changed back after the statement has been generated if required.

NOTE: Any payments made after the end of the time period shown will not be reflected in the balance.

Statements can be shared directly via the system email as a PDF or a PDF can be downloaded and printed or shared via any other electronic means available.

Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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