Also, check out the FAQ page.
Sharing data with your accountant:
1) Click Settings on the menu on the left, then Accountant access
2) Add your accountant's email address, then assign the permission level you are comfortable with.
Choose to allow the following levels of access from the Accountant access section of Settings:
Read Only - the accountant can only see and download to a CSV file, but not edit, the following
- Income Report
- Expense report
- P&L report
Accountant can edit my data - the accountant has access to
- Quotes and Invoices - create, edit, or mark as sent but not be able to send
โ externally via the app
- Client cards - edit, archive, restore, and delete
- Income and Expense pages - create, edit, and delete
- Timer - create, edit, and delete
Allow access to my bank feeds - an accountant can reconcile and remove records added from bank feeds
Can change my GST registration status - an accountant can enable GST in the account. To learn more about changing the GST status, click this LINK.
NOTE: The accountant won't have access to Account details and Settings, i.e. subscription plan, business settings, or password can't be changed
3) Click Invite.
Your accountant will receive a personalised email invite from you with a link to access your data.
Example of the personalised email invitation:
Managing Access
Manage permissions and who has access in the Accountant access section.ย
Cancel an invitation, revoke access or change permissions at any time.
Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!