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Select the claimable business percentage for an expense
Select the claimable business percentage for an expense

Selecting the claimable business percentage for an expense

Michelle avatar
Written by Michelle
Updated over 4 months ago

How to select the claimable business percentage for an expense

Enter the total amount of the expense first

then the business-use part of the expense

An expense can be apportioned when adding a/an

  • single expense

  • recurring expense

  • expense/s via bank feeds

For more information about claiming business expenses, please get in touch with the ATO and/or your accountant.

The Expense page will show the total amount of the expense and the percentage apportioned as the business expense.

To show the apportioned amount, either hover on the percentage badge

or go to the Expense report page (Reports > Expense report) to see it


  • Click the link for more information on
    - Adding your expenses
    - Adding Recurring expenses
    - Adding expenses via bank feeds

  • If an expense record was previously added via the main expense section, doing so from bank feeds will create a duplicate record.

  • An expense record cannot have a business usage with 0% as Rounded is still only designed for business use. This means some part of the expense still needs to be claimable.

Remember to download the Rounded mobile app!

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